April Plan
Warm Up: for all the workouts please allow yourself 6 minutes to warm up!
Watch the video here for your warm Up
Every month, at the end of the month, you will complete the AT-HOME Assessment. This is assessment is to challenge you. For this workout, it is known as a CHIPPER, meaning you have to “chip” away at all 100 before moving on to 90, then 80, and so on! So you will want to ROCK out, in AWESOME form, all your squats, then tackle the sit-ups and so on! YES you can!
Every month your goals will change;
- at first your goal should be to complete the workout
- once you can successfully complete the entire workout in the time allowed, your next goal is to complete it without any modifications (push-ups)
- once you can successfully complete the entire workout without modifications in the time allowed, your next goal is to use weight OR add heavier weight
For this workout, get your weights and water ready, press START and GET IT!!!!!!!
80 LUNGES (alternating, 90 per side)
+ LEGS (1)
For the EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute), you are doing a set of 8 reps with your heaviest dumbbell, and then immediately a set of 12 with a lighter dumbbell; whatever you have left of that minute is your rest!
40/20: Remember 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest! On the single leg deadlifts take your time on this lift, meaning let the weight slowly go down for 3 seconds and then power up for 1 second!
20/20/20: This is NEW! So you are doing 20 seconds of jump squats, then 20 seconds of a wall-sit, then 20 seconds rest! You will LOVE/HATE this!
For Time: complete them as fast as possible!
EMOM: 10
- Goblet Squat (8/12)
40/20: 3 Rounds
20/20/20: 5 Rounds
For Time!
+ LEGS (2)
For the EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute), you are doing a set of 15 DB Deadlifts; whatever you have left of that minute is your rest! The next minute you are doing a set of 15 Squats; whatever you have left of that minute is your rest! DO NOT RUSH THESE lifts! Pick your heavy weight and go to work!
40/20: Remember 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of rest! On the split squats, if it is too much to put your foot on an elevated surface, then don’t! Start on the ground and work your way/balance up.
2 Rounds: you are doing the exercises back to back, 2 minutes worth each! You do get 1 minute of full rest for recovery so push it! On the Around the Clock Lunges, no weights but your body!
EMOM: 10 (alt)
- 15- DB Deadlifts
- 15- Squats
40/20: 3 Rounds
2 Rounds: 2 minutes each exercise
1 minute rest
+ AMRAP (1)
AMRAP’s: here you are pushing yourself for as many rounds as possible in the time given! Take advantage of the rest period to get yourself set up for the next AMRAP.
Remember whatever you tell yourself you will do! Go big!
10 minute AMRAP
- 15 Thrusters
- 12 Push-Ups
- 9 Squats
- 6 Kickout Burpees
2 mins rest
10 minute AMRAP
2 mins rest
5 minute AMRAP
+ AMRAP (2)
You got this! So you are doing 21 of every exercise (thrusters, ect in order), then you are doing 18 of ever exercise… all the way down to 3! Yes you can! Chip away at it. Feel free to split it so in the beginning do 11 Thrusters, rest for 15 seconds, then rock out the last 10! You CAN DO THIS!
+ Plyo/Core
40/20: 4 Rounds, after the first set of 4 rounds, take 2 minutes off and get ready for the next circuit!
20/10: Here you are doing 20 seconds of the exercise, 10 seconds of rest! Push through the high heart rate!
40/20: 4 Rounds
40/20: 4 Rounds
20/10: 6x
EMOM: Here you are alternating the exercises every other minute; so the evens you do 15 Thrusters and the odds you do 20 snatches (10 each arm!)
40/20: 4 Rounds
- R- Reverse Lunge + Bicep Curl
- Hand Release Push-Ups
- L- Reverse Lunge + Hammer Curl
- Tricep Kickbacks
- Wall-Sit + Side Lateral Raise
- Goblet Squat
2 minutes rest
EMOM: 6 (alt)
- 15 Thrusters
- 20 Snatches (10 e/arm)
Here is another CHIPPER! So fun! So you are starting with 100 Thrusters then after completing all 100 you go on to 90 butterfly sit-ups! Break them up so 5 sets of 20 Thrusters or whatever works for you! YES YOU CAN !
35 Minute time cap
Total Body Chipper
- 100 Thrusters
- 90 Butterfly Sit-ups
- 80 Snatches (40 e/side)
- 70 Deadlift High Pull
- 60 Burpee + Shoulder Press
- 50 Oblique Twist
- 40 Kickout Burpees
- 30 Tricep Kickbacks
- 20 Blast Off Push-Up’s
- 10 Jump Squats
EMOM: You are alternating the exercises every other minute; so the first minute you are completing 12 hand release push-ups and then the next minute you are complete 15 DB Back rows! Use your heavy weights. Feel the struggle.
20/20/20/ So you are doing 20 seconds of a right hand snatch, then 20 seconds of a left hand snatch, then rest!
EMOM: 10 (alt)
30/20: 3x
20/20/20: 4x
+ No Equipment, No Excuse!
This workout is FANTASTIC if you are traveling for work or vacation and are not able to pack one more thing in your suitcase! This workout is using ONLY your body weight!
You are going as HARD and FAST as possible within those 40 seconds, you are getting 20 seconds of rest to complement each exercise!
On the Lunges, whatever feels best, complete standing forward lunges or reverse lunges!
On the tricep dips, start with your legs STRAIGHT and as your muscles fatigue, bend your knees
40/20: 3 Rounds (no extra rounds for rest)
- Burpee
- Wall-Sit
- Hand Release Push-Ups
- Tricep Dips
- Alternating Reverse or Forward Lunges
- Butterfly Sit-Ups
- Blast Off Push-Ups
- R- Side Plank Hip Drop
- Squat
- Burpee Hop Over
- L-Side Plank Hip Drop