Corporate SWEAT
A fun and convenient group fitness program, brought to you, at work.
Your first class is free - give it a try!
Corporate SWEAT is designed for all fitness levels and combines cardio, HIIT, ab work, and strength training.
Available to employees at
HealthPartners: 8170 building, Tuesday & Thursdays 4 pm to 5 pm
Achieve your goals
Corporate SWEAT is more than a fitness program; it’s a community created with your colleagues designed to help you achieve your goals and support you in doing what you thought wasn’t possible.
A fitness program at work is not only convenient, it helps create accountability. Having a bad day, or just not feeling it? On those days when you need that encouragement to get to class, your fellow SWEATletes will be there to give you that extra push.
Side effects may include: achieving your goals, making new connections with colleagues, and creating lifelong friendships.
Bring SWEAT to your employees
No gym, no problem - we create the gym with your employees. Corporate SWEAT adapts to any spaces and can turn any conference rooms or outside spaces into a gym.
A minimal investment leads to big returns: increased productivity, decreased sick time, and increased morale are the benefits of SWEAT.
“I’m based out of our main office building with 2,500+ employees and connecting with colleges in other departments is difficult. Because of SWEAT, I’ve created connections (and lasting friendships) with colleges from departments I rarely interacted with. Not only has this benefited me personally, it has helped me professionally by expanding the resources I have access to at work.”
If you’re interested in brining Corporate SWEAT to your employees, contact Jess today!